This is What We Get When Health Care is a Business

Roger Faulkner
1 min readJun 2, 2021


I have ALS, and my mind is clear. In fact, I have been a contributing member of society through my inventions. I’ve run out of money and so I can’t continue to live independently. But I’m not able to get on Medicaid without having a lawyer. I thank God that in my case, my family is able to help me do this.

Nursing homes are all private businesses. The caregivers are often very great people, but they don’t get to let me in… The administrators rule the roost. And their eyes are firmly on profit.

I have been rejected by multiple nursing homes. Most of them can’t take me because I’m on positive pressure ventilation. In North Carolina, the ones that can take ventilator patients won’t take me unless I get a tracheostomy which would prevent me from speaking.

My daughter found several nursing homes in Ohio that might take me, but two of them have already rejected me. No one has to take me and both of those nursing homes, caregiver staff were ready to welcome me, but the administrators said no because my care is relatively complicated and they thought they would lose money.

I am sure that thousands of people every day in America are facing a very similar problem. This is what you get when for-profit insurance companies caring for Providence hospitals calling shots.

