Black Hole Collisions and Quantum Entanglement
We exist at the intersection of multiple pasts and multiple futures. We have fewer pasts than we do futures. But we still have a lot.
We do not share a past with anyone for whom Hitler won world war two. But we might share a common past with two versions of reality in which a dinosaur died or didn’t die in the right place to make a fossil 70 million years ago. When we dig up that fossil and characterize it, we split from the reality in which that dinosaur went somewhere else to die.
Where the dinosaur chose to die is probably a quantum uncertain event. Based on that I would predict that every time we dig up a dinosaur then we eliminate a large number of quantum entangled past options.
We are quantum entangled with all the past and all the future that share our timeline. But any event that creates a measurement blocks off part of the past. This is a manifestation of the multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics, which I like to state as “anything that can happen does happen.”
What the Genesis story and the Hindu cycle of creation and destruction both refer to in my mind is the collision of two black holes that were dark because they had no accretion disks.
I expect such black holes are pretty common in the universe and depending on the trajectory when they collide they may not be able to conserve rotational momentum. I don’t know for sure whether black holes can sustain any rotational momentum at all although I think they cannot.
I know that this is at odds with some theoretical physics. But I suspect that the idea that black holes can contain rotational momentum is one of those cobbled together explanations, similar to the idea that neutrinos decay into different kinds of neutrinos to explain the low neutrino flux from the sun. I just haven’t dug into that enough to have a strong view. But I want to get this idea out there quickly because I have ALS and I may not survive to develop it.
I think of a black hole as the end state of the evolution of matter in which all of the rest mass is contained in the gravitational field itself. That implies that all the degrees of freedom in the matter that falls into a black hole are lost, which results in a reduction in the entropy of the universe. I think that things falling into black holes is the only time that the second law of thermodynamics is violated. If a black hole is large enough, the gravitational gradient at the event horizon boundary will not be so large as the pull matter in the pieces as it crosses the boundary.
When black holes collide I expect a galaxy to form if the masses of the black holes are great enough. Because of the unique property of black holes that their event horizon diameter is directly proportional to their mass, the probability of large black holes actually touching each other is far greater than small black holes touching each other. I discussed that in my cosmic recycling theory around the year 2000. I think the probability of black or collisions has a function of the size of the black hole determines the size distribution of galaxies.
Some of the matter contained in two colliding black holes remains in a larger black hole, and some of it must be spewed out in order to conserve rotational momentum. I expect that the fraction of matter contained in the central black hole within a galaxy versus the ordinary matter and smaller black holes that are generated during the collision will vary according to the trajectory of the collision of the two colliding black holes.
Such a collision of two large black holes may produce smaller black holes than would ever be able to form spontaneously from star collapse. I think that such small black holes are common in the universe and they may explain the heat production from some stars as well as the planets Jupiter and Saturn, both of which radiate significantly more heat than they receive from the sun.
Our timelines go back to the formation of our galaxy. But no further back than that. Blackhole collisions lead to quantum-entangled galaxies in which the second law of thermodynamics applies.
We have a habit of thinking of the entire universe as something that we have access to, but that’s not the case. It’s easy to show that we don’t have access to parts of the universe even observationally. Even the big bang theory, which I do not think is correct, says we can’t have access to information from parts of the universe.
I remember when the Hubble deep space photograph first came out in 1995. It turns out that if all those blobs out there are galaxies similar to all the galaxies we can see around us, then trigonometry applied to the images of distant galaxies in the deep space photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope means that said galaxies are further away than light can propagate during the putative age of the universe since the big bang.
I remember there was a science journalist, I think from The New York Times, who wrote a story right after the first Hubble deep space photograph was published saying the big bang theory is dead. And it was indeed dead… however theorists cobbled up some bullshit story about how in the early universe galaxies were smaller… desperately trying to preserve their paradigm.
What this clearly shows is the human tendency to twist ourselves into ridiculous but firmly held beliefs to avoid addressing the reality that contradicts our beliefs. That is precisely why I work hard to avoid beliefs.
I have come to think that every timeline begins in a black hole collision. Timelines created in a black collision ultimately end by the matter and energy being sucked up by other black holes.
Black holes suck up all of the degrees of freedom of the matter that falls into them, except if the mass has spent time in the accretion disc. As the matter is converted into a pure gravitational field. I think that electrical charge is the only other thing that is preserved when matter falls into a black hole. I think that black holes are the only things in the universe that violate the second law of thermodynamics. This enables a recycled universe to be possible.
I think the universe is both eternal and infinite. This is one of the many theories that got swept under the carpet by the big bang theory. Much of the physics that was developed around the big bang actually applies in the moments after black hole collisions occur. This applies in particular to the explanation of the abundance of light element isotopes in intergalactic space. I would expect that black hole collisions large enough to produce galaxies are the most energetic events in the entire universe. Maybe even galaxy clusters are created in black hole collisions; if so these are the most energetic collisions in the universe.
Blackhole collisions also interact with other multiverse bubbles from other collisions. I think that some black hole collisions result in such an incredibly large burst of gamma rays that they sterilize nearby planets and by nearby I mean perhaps within 100,000 light-years. The implications of this are too much for me at this moment, but the interaction of multiverse bubbles between nearby galaxies is at the forefront of my current thinking,
Statistical mechanics is the branch of thermodynamics applied to individual molecules. It is a very powerful method for the prediction of a lot of things that are practical such as Paul Florey’s rotational isomeric state theory of polymer conformations. Statistical mechanics starts from the assumption that all possible states are equally likely, and that the actual observed state depends on the number of different states that could exist, coupled with the free energy of those states. States that can be achieved a very large number of different ways are much more likely than states that can only occur by one unique path. This has enormous implications for our own timelines.
Consider the case of two alternative futures, one in which World War 3 wipes out most species and nearly makes humans extinct, versus a second future where we get our shit together, deal with global warming, and develop a harmonious future. Which of these futures has the most alternate states? It’s clear to me that the one where life on Earth is preserved, and human civilization is preserved has many more ways that the future can go. If we are lucky, the future will pull us towards the number of states being maximized… ecological diversity.
I think I have realized an idea that unifies general relativity, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics.